Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 3

After a few beers with Ron and Ed, I went to bed at around 11pm. It was really nice out when I went to bed but Day Three started out really cold. I didn't get much sleep because the temp. dropped dramatically overnight. I finally couldn't take it anymore so I got up and stumbled to the showers at about 4:30am to warm up. Needless to say I had them all to myself. Note to self....always locate showers and bathrooms day before so you aren't searching for them next morning....2nd note to self, remember to bring towel along to the shower so you don't have to trudge back down to campsite in darkness to retrieve it.

Here is the view I woke up to this morning.

I packed up, said goodbye to Ron and Ed, and hit the Going-to-the-sun road a little after 6am. The going to the sun road is an amazing road that climbs up the mountain and back down. I don't have too many pictures of the trip as its mostly a little 2 land road with few places to pull over....unless you like to drop a few thousand feet. I did mount the camera to the bike and put it on video mode so I do have over an hours worth of video. The great thing about running the road that early is you have it virtually to yourself. The road only totally opened a few days before I ran it becasue there was still a great deal of snow and they are doing a bit of construction.

Here are a few pics..

Here is a Video of the drive on the Going to the Sun Road.

I ate breakfast at the west entrance to the park and left for Washington. I took a nice easy ride after two long days in the saddle. I stopped a couple of times. The first was when I was past Kalispel, saw a sign for the Lang Creek Brewery so I had to check that out. It was back on a private gravel road about 2 miles.

Great little place. Got a tour from the assistant brewer who had just moved up from Florida with his wife about 2 months ago. She was also there along with their lab mix named "Dog P". Got 2 small samples of their wheat and stout. While tasting had a brief down pour of rain. I stuck to highway 2 into Washington. I pulled over in a small town in Montana and comandeerd a picnic table in the pavillion for about an hours nap. While taking my nappy wappy it started to rain again. Good luck being under shelter each time it rained. It was a pretty scenic ride and was pleasantly suprised by how nice northern Idaho was.

I ended up in Spokane for the night, grabbed a hotel room, and ordered a pizza. I was pretty tired after not sleeping well and getting up so darn early......

To be cont......

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